Friday, August 17, 2012

Volunteer Story - Mark Shute

Driving into Mang’u, Kenya in the back of station wagon, full of anticipation, excitement and bumping around due to all the pot holes in the road I had no idea what was install for the next (at that stage) 3 months of my life.

Mark and Agnes.

Driving away from Mang’u seven months later I was filled with sadness that I was leaving my new family here in Kenya, people that I have come to love and care about.

What happened in between these two occasions was nothing short of life changing. The joy and happiness that oozes out of the children of Familia Moja is breathtakingly addictive (something everyone can learn from), being accepted by the entire local community as one of their own, it sure does bring a smile to your face when you’re walking down a road in Kenya and local people are saying hello and calling you by your name.  Then being taken in by the family I was living with as another son really reaches out and grabs your heart. 

There’s not a day goes by when I don’t think about the smiling faces I spent every day with whilst in Kenya and it brings a smile to my face when I do. I know I’ll be back and I can’t wait for that day to come....

Mark with the boys from Familia Moja.

Mark Shute aka Mr. Perfect volunteered at Familia Moja Children's Home from Jan to July 2012.

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