Monday, February 18, 2013

The Vision suddenly so Real!

This was my third trip back to Kenya since my first stay with the Muirus in 2006, but there was something really special about this time: it hit me just how much Familia Moja Children’s Home has achieved these last 5 years!

Arriving in Mang’u at dawn, hundreds of birds chirping in the moist air as the mist rose to reveal the lush green trees rooted in rich, red earth - my first view of what will be FMCH’s new two-storey building was the bright metal roof in the sun, gleaming like a lighthouse to welcome me “home”. 

I was surprised how much bigger it looked in reality than in the pictures; impressed by the large windows that let in so much natural light, and the forward-thinking that has gone into its design: a large hall with a stage will also provide a community space for various events and gatherings.  I visited the garden, met the cow, and took great interest in the idea of a small bakery being set up on site to generate income.  The site is a hive of activity and inspired ideas! 

My meeting with the headmaster of one of the schools attended by the Familia Moja children reassured me that they are receiving a high standard of education provided by demanding but caring teachers who understand their pupils and put a lot of thought into their profession. 

But what struck me most was seeing how much the 6 kids who had just spent their first year at secondary school had grown up.  I can no longer call them children.  They are young men and women, who are starting to voice their opinions, and take greater responsibility for their future.  And I was moved because this is exactly what Familia Moja set out to do 5 years ago. 

Wambui’s vision was always to best prepare these young people for the realities of adulthood in a country teeming with both creative innovation and enormous challenges.  And the sustained commitment that Jess and others in Kenya and abroad have shown provide solid roots from which this vision can flourish.  Great things are achieved when individual dreams and the strength of community are united.  To all of you who have participated in making Famlia Moja what it is today – thank you for making this last trip of mine so special!  I am left feeling challenged, and greatly inspired.

Sandra Steiger, Feb 2013

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